India’s National Tree – History & Interesting Facts

The Indian fig tree, scientifically known as Ficus bengalensis, is an awe-inspiring tree that boasts an incredibly unique characteristic: its branches root themselves like new trees, spreading over a large area and giving rise to more trunks and branches. (1) This incredible growth pattern has led to the tree being considered immortal and has made it an integral part of the myths and legends of India. It is said that the banyan tree has witnessed countless stories and events throughout history, and its longevity has made it a symbol of stability and resilience.

Even in modern times, the banyan tree continues to hold a special place in Indian culture and village life. It serves as a focal point for communities, where people come together to share stories, conduct ceremonies, and celebrate life. The village council even meets under the shade of the banyan tree, recognizing its importance as a gathering place and a symbol of unity.

Sources and References

  1. National Symbols – National Tree. Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.

2. National Symbols of India. National Informatics Centre, Government of India.

3. National Emblem, Anthem and Tree.” Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India.

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