20 Types of Parrots in India: A Colorful Avian Exploration

India, a country known for its rich biodiversity, is the host to a vibrant array of colorful, chatty, and intelligent birds, namely, parrots. These fascinating creatures not only captivate us with their beauty, but also with their impressive mimicry skills and charming personalities. 

“In the enchanting realms of Indian wildlife, parrots hold a special place with their striking colors and endearing chatter.”

Parrots in India span a wide range, from the large and majestic to the small and adorable. Each species is a delightful marvel of nature, unique in its own way. In the following section, we will embark on a journey to discover the different types of parrots in india that grace the Indian skies.

In this article we will also learn about parrot scientific names.

Top 10 Different Types of Parrots in India

To learn more about parrot varieties in India and the types of parrots you could possibly find, dive into the section on Parrots in India. Specifically, you’ll want to check out the sub-sections dedicated to Native Parrots and Non-native Parrots. Explore these sections to gain insight on the different parrot species with images and the environments they thrive in.

Native Green Parrots In India

India is home to a variety of birds, including parrots indigenous to the subcontinent. These native psittacines have adapted to their habitat and are an essential part of the Indian ecosystem.

One of the most iconic birds is the Indian Ringneck Parakeet – with its green body, red beak and black-and-pink collar, it can be seen from the Himalayas in the north to tropical forests in the south.

The unique Malabar Parakeet is found in the Western Ghats. It has a dark green plumage, yellowish-green head and a reddish beak. Its distinct calls are a familiar sound in South Indian forests.

Blossom Headed Parakeets and Plum-Headed Parakeets were introduced from other countries, but now they are found across India.


If you want to observe these feathered friends in their natural habitat, visit the National Chambal Sanctuary. A pro tip: avoid touching or feeding wild parrots as it may lead to their reliance on humans, hurting the local ecology.

For a bird that’s as colorful as its personality, don’t forget the Indian Ringneck Parakeet – it’s the life of the aviary! Types of Parrots.

Indian Ringneck Parakeet

The Indian Ringneck Parakeet, or Rose-ringed Parakeet, sports green feathers and a red beak. Their ability to mimic human speech and interact with people make them popular pets around the world. In India, they can be spotted in the wild, particularly near fields and urban areas. They are loyal mates and fiercely protect their territories.


These parrots can be destructive, damaging crops and property. But they also help the environment, scattering seeds of fruits they eat. They live in deserts, forests, savannas and agricultural landscapes.

Their beauty, intelligence and loyalty make them great pets. Owners must provide them with proper food, toys, stimulation, room to fly, roosts and regular vet checkups.

Experience these amazing creatures in India’s wild or captive environments! They add so much color and life!

Plum-headed Parakeet

Plum-headed Parakeets are an eye-catching species of parrots found in India. Males boast a mix of purple, pink and yellow on their heads, while females’ plumage is duller. These birds live in forests and grasslands of the Indian subcontinent and are known for their sweet calls.

Plum-headed Parakeet

They mainly eat seeds, fruits and nuts. Forests and grasslands are their ideal habitats.

Interestingly, they form strong bonds with their mates. They even show affection to each other – preening and feeding one another.

It’s believed that Plum-headed Parakeets were first noted in ancient Indian literature such as the Sanskrit epic Mahabharata. This proves their cultural significance from centuries ago. Move over, Aladdin’s sidekick! India’s own feathered prince charming – the Alexandrine Parakeet – is here!

Alexandrine Parakeet

The Alexandrine Parakeet is a popular parrot species in India. It’s a beloved pet with its striking beauty and impressive intelligence. It has a medium size body, a long tail, and bright green plumage. Its neck and cheeks have black rings and its beak is pale yellow. Males have a rose-colored neck-ring, while females don’t.

Alexandrine Parakeet

Characteristics of the Alexandrine Parakeet include:

Scientific NameSizeWeightDietBehavior
Psittacula eupatria22-23 inches200-300 gramsSeeds, nuts, fruits & vegetablesSocial; require lots of engagement & playtime

These birds can learn words and mimic sounds. They were named after Alexander the Great, since he brought them back to Greece from Asia. They can live up to 25 years if taken care of properly.

Why have a parrot as a pet when you can just listen to the Rose-ringed Parakeet chirping outside for free?

Rose-ringed Parakeet

The Rose-ringed Parakeet is the leading psittacine in India. Small to medium-sized, they boast green plumage with a red or black ring around their necks. Local subspecies may differ in their colors.

These birds are found mainly in forests, agricultural areas, parks and cities. They flock together and feed on fruits, seeds, nectar and even insects.

Rose-ringed Parakeet

Their intelligence and sociability make them popular as pets around the world. But they are also considered a nuisance due to their growing population, which damages crops.

Interestingly, these birds featured in ancient Indian scriptures, such as Valmiki Ramayana. It was said that Sita loved their melodious chirping.

Non-native Parrot Species in India

Non-indigenous Parrots are a colorful sight in India. They are popular as pets, due to their intelligence. African Grey, Amazon, and Macaw are some of the common species seen. There is a rising demand for these birds, as the government has few restrictions.

However, these exotic birds have problems. Some owners are not aware of their needs. This leads to neglected or abandoned birds. The government has taken action and made welfare policies.

These parrots have been introduced to India’s wild habitats. They might have a negative effect on the native wildlife, but there is not much scientific data on the subject.

Recently, a red-and-green macaw was found at Mumbai airport. It had been illegally smuggled from Malaysia. An animal welfare organization rescued it and returned it to its natural habitat in South America. So, if you’re looking for a cheap talking therapist, get yourself an African Gray Parrot!

African Gray Parrot

The African Grey Parrot is a popular breed found in India. These clever birds are adored by many pet owners for their ability to mimic speech and learn complex behaviors.

African Gray Parrot

Here’s some details on this parrot:

Scientific Name:Psittacus erithacus
Size:33-40 cm
Color:Grey feathers with red tail feathers
Lifespan:40-60 years

It’s essential to understand that African Grey Parrots need lots of attention and the right diet. They require fruits, nuts, seeds, and leafy veggies. Also, provide them with activities and toys to keep their minds active and avoid boredom.

Why not try something unique and get a Cockatiel that can whistle the Game of Thrones theme?


The ‘.2 Cockatiel’ is a stunning avian species found across India. They boast a bright yellow crest, unique facial markings, and an affectionate personality. Perfect for any bird-lover, they are small, adaptable, and require minimal care.


A peek at the table reveals some interesting facts. These birds are native to Australia but also have a presence in India. They are usually 12-13 inches in length and can live up to 15-25 years if cared for properly.

In addition, ‘.2 Cockatiel’ are highly social and love to play and exercise. It’s best to keep them with other birds to ensure their well-being.

Their origin story goes back to 18th century Australia. So why choose a pet that talks back when you can have one that just nods its head in agreement? ‘.2 Cockatiel’ offer the perfect blend of color, playfulness, and ease-of-care for any household.

Native toAustralia
Length12-13 inches
Lifespan15-25 years

Eclectus Parrot

The ‘.3 Eclectus Parrot’ is a majestic bird species found in India. It’s known for its vibrant colors, and males and females have different appearances.

Eclectus Parrot

This table provides info on the bird:

AppearanceMales with bright green feathers, females range from red to purple.
DietOmnivorous; fruits, larvae, nectar.
HabitatNative to rainforest, prefers savannahs during breeding season.
Lifespan30-50 yrs.

Uniquely, these parrots have gender differences in plumage. Plus, they find one mate for life! Ancient Indian kings kept these parrots as pets due to their mimicry abilities. Nowadays, bird sanctuaries make sure they thrive in their natural habitat. India also has macaws – like peacocks of the sky!


Macaws, a species of parrots in India, boast spectacularly vibrant colors and long tails. They are highly social and intelligent creatures. To pet them requires special care.

Macaws, a species of parrots in India

Let’s check out the table to understand Macaws better.

Type of MacawColorSize
Blue and GoldBlue and yellow33-39 inches
ScarletBright red33-36 inches
GreenGreen90 cm

The Blue and Gold Macaw has blue and yellow feathers. It can grow up to 39 inches. The Scarlet Macaw is bright red and slightly shorter than the Blue and Gold. The Green Macaw is green and smaller than the Blue and Gold.

Petting Macaws needs a lot of attention, proper diet, exercise, and mental stimulation. Neglecting any of these can cause issues like feather plucking or even depression. Give them puzzles or challenges to keep their minds active. Remember conservation is key!

Conservation of Parrots in India

To protect the diversity of parrots in India, learn about the conservation efforts and threats to their existence. Discover the importance of preservation and conservation to safeguard the existence of these magnificent birds. Explore the sub-sections “Threats to Parrots” and “Conservation Efforts” to learn about how parrots are being protected and what challenges they currently face.

Threats to Parrots

Parrots in India need protection; they face a lot of threats. Deforestation, poaching for the pet trade, and illegal trading of feathers and meat are causing issues. Unregulated sale of land and encroachment of protected areas make it worse.

Habitat fragmentation due to human activities in forest regions creates breeding and population problems. Forest fires, pesticide use, and collisions with power lines are also threats. Developmental projects without ecological assessments damage habitats and species.

Coastal regions were parrots’ safe havens, until urban development took over. Mining activities make it worse by raising pollution levels. Illegal trapping during breeding season captures adults, leading to extinction of colonies.

It’s essential to safeguard habitats to conserve parrots. We can do this by implementing proper measures like habitat restoration and education initiatives to raise public awareness.

Conservation Efforts

The initiatives taken for the protection of parrots in India have been amazing. Organizations, governmental bodies and researchers have teamed up to protect the habitat and promote conservation.

These include: setting up of rescue centers, rehabilitation programs, breeding programs, strict policies against poaching and illegal trade. These help not only with the survival of endangered parrot species, but also with biodiversity in the region.

Unique strategies are also in use. People living in forests are educated about the importance of preserving habitats which support birdlife. A few are trained to monitor nesting sites and report on illegal activity. Technology is used to keep track of bird movements over long distances.

It is important to continue with conservation efforts. Parrots are vulnerable due to their colorful appearance, making them targets for the illegal pet trade. Conservation will help maintain ecological balance and intact ecosystems which are essential for sustainable futures. We must take action to safeguard delicate ecosystems and consider how human activities disrupt these natural systems. This is necessary for our survival.

India’s avifauna is diverse and parrots are an important part of it. Several laws exist for the conservation of parrots and their habitats.

A table showcasing data about these laws is useful:

Legal ProtectionDescription
Wildlife Protection Act 1972This act safeguards parrots and other wildlife species listed in it.
Indian Forest Act 1927Controls forest use, diversion, demarcation, and management.
Biodiversity Act 2002Promotes conservation, sustainable use, and sharing of benefits from biological resources.

It is noteworthy that some international treaties also influence parrot conservation efforts. Uniquely, trade of parrots is strictly regulated to prevent illegal trafficking. Central Zoo Authority oversees zoos in India to maintain ethical standards for captive breeding programs.

In 2015, volunteers in Chennai saved many stranded parrots during floods by setting up temporary shelters. This emphasizes the need for community-led conservation initiatives. Don’t worry, the parrots in the breeding program are far better at reproducing than most humans.

Breeding and Rehabilitation Programs for Parrots In India

Parrots in India are in a vulnerable state due to habitat loss, hunting, and illegal trade. To help protect them, Breeding and Rehabilitation Programs have been established.

A table is shown with the major programs:

Program NameLocationObjective
Project ParrotBangaloreRehabilitation of Indian Grey Parrots
Save our ParrotsMumbaiAwareness and rescue of injured parrots
Dehradun Parrot Breeding ProjectDehradunGeneration of a healthy captive population

These projects work to breed endangered parrot species and release them into their natural habitats. They also help spread awareness about the importance of conserving these birds.

In 2020, Project Parrot was able to release over 50 Indian Grey parrots back into the wild.

It is evident that such conservation methods should be taken up by governments and non-governmental organizations to safeguard avian life in India and beyond. A single hand can’t save a flock, but a community united for parrot conservation can.

Community Involvement and Awareness

Local folk and their understanding are essential for conserving parrots in India. Here are a few ways they can help:

  • Motivate eco-tourism, to generate income without hurting the birds.
  • Train locals as bird guides, to educate visitors about parrot conservation.
  • Run workshops, rallies and campaigns, to raise awareness about parrot protection.
  • Set up community-based monitoring, to keep tabs on poaching, illegal trading and habitat loss.
  • Include traditional knowledge in conservation plans, for maintaining the cultural importance of parrots.

Families must know the ecological importance of parrots, and their role in keeping the environment balanced. Moreover, adding education to school programs and community outreach can bring long-term awareness for these amazing creatures.

Pro Tip: Joint efforts from governments, NGOs and local people can help create effective methods to save India’s natural heritage – its brilliant and melodious birds.

In conclusion, the blog “Types of Parrots in India” provides a comprehensive overview of the various species of parrots found in India. It serves as a valuable resource for bird enthusiasts, nature lovers, and anyone interested in learning about the rich avian biodiversity of the country.

Frequently Asked Questions about Parrot Species In India

What is the most famous parrot in India?

The most famous parrot in India is the Indian Ringneck Parakeet (Psittacula krameri manillensis). Also known as the Rose-ringed Parakeet, it is widely recognized and cherished for its vibrant plumage, which features shades of green, yellow, and blue.

Which parrot speaks in India?

In India, the parrot species that is famous for its ability to mimic and “speak” human language is the Indian Ringneck Parakeet (Psittacula krameri manillensis).

Which Hindu god is on parrot?

The Hindu god associated with parrots is Lord Kamadeva, also known as the god of love and desire.

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